How To Make An Awesome Bag With Sensy's New Softee Raffia
How To Make

How To Make An Awesome Bag With Sensy's New Softee Raffia

Hello. We're making an awesome bag with Sensy's new Softee Raffia yarn.

1- We started with 9 stitches in the magic ring.

2- We're creating a classic round base.

3- After expanding the base, we begin shaping the body. For the pattern, we chained 4 and then we're working triple crochets.

4- We do the triple crochet like this, little wait and then gather 6 stitches and continue.

5- We marked the center and continued the pattern for the handle.

6- Then we're attaching the handle like that, and here's how it looks.

It turned out to be a really fantastic bag.